I've been enjoying reading on Facebook and blogs about all the things my friends are grateful for. It wouldn't be right for me to remain silent, when I've been blessed with so much. I chose today to start because I'm having a particularly difficult time feeling good about things. My two youngest have been sick for a few days now with a croupy cough and high fevers. On Monday night it hit me, too, and the past 2 days have not been very fun. So in an attempt to quit feeling sorry for myself, here's a list of things I'm thankful for right now:
- My husband, who came home to a disaster last night and immediately took over caring for the babies so that I could drag my sick body and the big kids to karate. He somehow managed to clean the kitchen while I was gone, and it has made all the difference today!
- The break we've had from sickness in our house for quite a while. The big kids have been battling colds for the last 2 weeks, but nothing major. We haven't had a huge family illness for what seems like months. I have to be grateful for that!
- A sister who will let me whine to her on the phone about how hard it is to be a sick mom with sick kids! Poor me, right? Thanks, Cassie. :)
- The cute things kids say. Last night it was all I could manage to strap the kids into car seats and go get tacos for dinner. As we walked into the house with our bags of fast food, Aidan said to me, "Mom, you're good at getting tacos!" And he gave me a big hug. My heart broke for how sweet he is and how uplifting that should be, and for what a lame mom I am. We've been eating out way too much recently.
- And for this:
This not-so-great picture was taken on my phone in the dark. My poor sad babies have finally gone down for naps (fingers crossed that they'll stay asleep!) and I'm going to attempt to shower so I can be presentable at parent-teacher conferences today. Hurray for showers!