Friday, February 27, 2009

February blahs

I need to start thinking like a blogger again. I've been dying to post something, but not only am I short on free time, I am also seriously lacking in good blog material. When I started blogging, everything around me provided inspiration. I was constantly composing blog posts in my mind. I think I've allowed all of those unwritten posts to rot in my head for so long now that I can't even recognize a good blog topic if it stares me in the face.

So all month I've been trying to think of something to write about. I just can't think of anything funny or upbeat. See, February is a rough month for me. I think I mentioned that last year. It takes me most of the month to get over myself and move on. (That's right, I said get over myself. It's time to start focusing on others and get myself out of this funk.) I am seriously excited for March to get here, just so it won't be February anymore, and so I can start fresh.

Now I want to give a little shout out to the sweet souls who have helped me get through this month. First of all, my dear friend Alisa, who sent me a package with the most thoughtful note, and these adorable things:
Oops, I already had the baby! This is the part she sent:Too cute, huh? She can't know how much her gift and note lifted my spirits. The timing was uncannily perfect. Thank you, Alisa!

Then there are friends who come into town and make time for a visit. Becky and I were lucky enough to do brunch with Lucy, one of my favorite bloggers and a friend in real life. (OK, it was actually the end of January, but it still counts.) The conversation is always great with Lucy. She's one of the best listeners I have ever met. She makes you feel like she really cares about what you have to say. I hope we all get a chance to do this again soon!

A few weeks ago I was graced with a visit from Becky C, one of my awesome Spokane buddies. She and her family were in town and made an afternoon for us. They were even kind enough to watch my little ones while I took Tanner for a haircut. Talk about nice! And I have to say that Becky looks amazing! See for yourself:

My sister Julie made time in her busy schedule to hang out with me this week and force me to sew. I've been meaning to finish up some projects, but never can allow myself the time. My sister and I are very close and have shared a lot. She's really fun to be around, and I can always be myself. Thanks, sis.

(Obviously this is not a recent picture. It sits on my bedside table in a frame Julie gave me a long time ago. It's probably my favorite picture of the two of us.)

Then there's my husband - my best friend. This month, in addition to listening to my constant ramblings and providing emotional support, he gave me an awesome Valentines gift. Out of the blue, he decided to buy me the dining table of my dreams. Now the house feels so much more finished. Here's the old hunk of junk:

And here's the new beauty:

I wasn't head-over-heels until we sat down and ate a meal with our next door neighbors. The table has plenty of space for people and food, but feels very intimate. Now I'm completely in love!

Last, but not least, I want to thank the friends who keep me going on a day-to-day basis - sisters who I talk to on the phone almost daily, friends who make the time and go to the effort to come to my silly little preschool music group on Thursdays. You guys have no idea how much your time and friendship mean to me. I'm a lucky girl!


Amy Sorensen said...

Love the Robees, love the photos, LOVE the table. It is GORGEOUS!!! I am insanely jealous!!!

I so understand your February sadness. Hugs.

Melanie said...

Amy, thanks for the hugs. Right back atcha!

BAK said...

I love that picture of you and Julie back in the day. You are so pretty!

Oh, and I love you lots. The world is just a better place because you are in it, being kind and making everything happy. I'm glad it's almost March.

Becky said...

I hope you're feeling cheerier now that it's March. And happy birthday in a couple days!

It was great to see you. I'm glad you love your table. I thought it looked great, but you were still getting used to it. Anyway, it's beautiful and makes your kitchen look so finished and nice. (Sorry about Julia sliding a sippy cup across it!)

[alisar] said...

Your table is gorgeous, and Aidan looks so manly in those shoes. Loved our chat last week. Just loved, loved, loved it.

nathansara said...

I LOVE the Table. It is gorgeous. I adore our kitchen also. If you don't mind I might need to borrow you for the new house if we get it. Hope you have a great birthday today also. Take care.

PS. We love coming to Music Makers. Lilly has so much fun and sings the songs when we get home. Thanks for doing that every Thursday.

Ginger said...

You are a hottie! So our tables are very similar. I love them!

Tanya said...

I'm sorry you have bad Februarys. Losing a loved one is so hard. I'm glad it's March though, so things can start getting better for you. I've really enjoyed getting to know you in choir and through your blog.

Your new table is awesome, I love it!