Friday, March 20, 2009

Wanted: A New Cleaning Lady

...because the one I have stinks! She is just so darned inconsistent! I am sitting at my computer in the kitchen right now, sunlight streaming through the windows and dancing across clean countertops and my beautiful new table. No dishes remain from last night's dinner. I can walk across the floor without feeling crunching under my feet. And it will only take me a minute to clean up the breakfast dishes and the baby's high chair, leaving my kitchen the way I prefer it - sparkling clean. But how long will it last? Two days ago, there were piles of dirty dishes on the counters, the sink overflowed with them, and just be glad you didn't try to walk across the floor in bare feet.

And don't get me started on laundry! This inept housekeeper of mine works her tail off to catch up on laundry, and everything in the house is clean. Then suddenly, she turns around to find that no one in the house has clean underwear. I know she's trying hard, and that she usually thinks she's keeping up with things, but they get out of control so fast! It seems that we're either in a state of chaos (most of the time), or I'm stressed out every second trying to keep everything perfect. There's no middle ground!

I'm hoping the cleaning lady will get some spring cleaning done in the basement and bedrooms this weekend - it's time to start turning her attention to the yard and the garden, and the house needs to be in good order first. I'm just praying that she can maintain the clean areas of the house while focusing on the not-so-clean parts.

So for any of you who've mistaken my blog title for a declaration of my awesomeness, please note the "in training" part. I won't lie. I got me some mad skillz in the kitchen. I can whip up anything I put my mind to on a sewing machine. And I found out last year that gardening is a simple matter of planting things and watering them, and that anyone who wants to can, can. Don't get me wrong, I know how to clean. My mom taught me how to scrub the heck out of a toilet, and I run my vacuum daily. I just need some help in maintaining a consistent level of cleanliness throughout the house, so that I'm not constantly running to catch up.


Amy Sorensen said...

My #1 tip: buy more underwear.

I'm serious. Having enough socks and underwear for everyone for at least TWO weeks makes my house just work better. Yeah, it means that if I let the laundry go until people are out of socks, there are nearly-literal MOUNTAINS o' laundry to do. I try not to ever let it go THAT long. But if I have to, I know we'll all have clean socks and undies.

Otherwise, you're on your own! ;) You know I'm not even training to be a domestic goddess. more like a domestic-acolyte-in-training.

adrienne said...

I just got home from church today-thinking how did things get out-of control so fast! It is so sad, how hard we work and how fast it is gone. Oh well! A load a day-a wipe an hour and letting things go a bit is how I have been getting by this week! Hang in there! YOu are an inspiration to me.

Stephanie said...

Your cleaning lady must be a BUSY woman, that's all! Seriously, Mel, you've got a lot on your plate right now--and besides, every time I visit, your house looks great! I know how you feel, though, with a million projects in mind and not enough time to get them done. I LONG to spring-clean and go crazy on my house, but it just isn't humanly possible right now. There is only so much one woman can do. So, just focus on all that you DO accomplish and give yourself a pat on the back! :-) I can't wait to see your garden in full bloom again, by the way! (If only this weather will take a turn for the better...)

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel- oh if only the house could stay clean for 5 minutes. I only have one child and I feel like things never stay clean. Maybe if you're cleaning lady got a raise it would help boost her spirits!
Speaking of cleaning, I have lots to do to get ready for special guests coming soon!