Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Trip to the Mountains

John's mom has a timeshare, and she had a week at the East Canyon Resort, so she generously gave us Wednesday and Thursday night up there. To get there, you head up Parley's Canyon toward Park City, but then turn off and go north into the mountains. The road winds and winds and it seems like you'll never get there. We haven't done a lot of outdoor-sy things since we moved back to Salt Lake. This reminded me of how much I love being in the mountains and how beautiful and peaceful it can be. The condo was awesome--it was a townhouse with two bedrooms upstairs so that we could put the kids to bed and watch movies and hang out.

I packed everything up and drove up with the kids Wednesday, then John drove up after work and I cooked us dinner. We walked around outside after dinner and played with the kids at the playground for a while. Then we put the kids to bed and watched a movie. It was so great, until we got in bed. Just minutes after my head hit the pillow, Katelyn started crying in the other room. I got to her just in time to get her to the bathroom to throw up. She felt very hot, so I gave her some ibuprofen and spent the night cuddling with her and cleaning up more vomit. Thursday I couldn't decide if I should take the kids home or wait it out--Katelyn could start feeling better and there were lots of fun things to do at the resort. Her fever kept coming back, and I was a little freaked without a thermometer to see how high it was. We hung out in the condo all day and I worked on quilt blocks while Katelyn slept off and on and Carter played. John drove back up after work Thursday and I cooked dinner again. Katelyn seemed to be feeling better so we took the kids swimming. (We probably shouldn't have. I hope we didn't get any other kids sick!) Katie tried so hard to have fun, but she obviously didn't feel great, so we didn't stay at the pool long.

Friday morning John left for work and I struggled to clean up the condo and pack the car while Carter did his best to annoy his miserable sister. I made it by check out time and thought that things were going to be better, but as we drove down the canyon, Katelyn threw up all over herself and her carseat. I got home and cleaned everything up and spent another day nursing my poor sick daughter.

After two full days with a sick child, I was exhausted. We had planned to hike Timp Saturday with friends. I was about to cancel when John offered to stay with the kids and let me go. It was a super hard decision, but I did it (see my next post). I have the most wonderful huband in the world!

Katelyn's fever is still going. I'm taking her to the doctor tomorrow. I just feel like hugging her all day and crying my eyes out. I hate to see her so miserable.


[alisar] said...

Wow. What a bummer. I hope Katie feels better soon. Too bad her fever has persisted for so long. That's always cause for a mom to worry. Thank goodness for good health care!
You are an inspiration to me because you always keep going. I totally would have checked out of the condo and went home to be miserable but you always make the best of things and you have an amazing amount of energy and patience. My prayer is "Oh please help me be MORE like Melanie!"
Hang in there! Hopefully the rest of the family doesn't catch anything. Good luck!!

Becky said...

Poor Katelyn! And you. Gotta love that throw-up in the car seat!! I hope she feels better soon and that you can all start getting some sleep again. Kids have the worst timing with getting sick! I love that picture of her in the pool chair, though.