Monday, January 28, 2008

Stormy Weather

I'm weird. Unless this is the first post of mine you've ever read, you already know this to be true. But let me elaborate anyway...

Last night it started to get really windy. It's been pretty cold here, so I was surprised to be standing outside with gusting winds trying to blow me over, but not feeling uncomfortably cold. There was just enough warmth to that wind to make it bearable. Obviously, the warm before the storm. The wind blew all night, and seemed pretty crazy when John left for work this morning at his usual unreasonable hour. However, by the time I dragged myself into the kitchen to make pancakes for the kids (not a normal breakfast in our house, so don't be impressed) it was nice and sunny outside. The sun almost blinded me as I stood at my kitchen counter, flipping pancakes.

In my quest to get my life back on track, I've designated today as a cleaning day. I have a lot of things to catch up on, and I'm sure I'll need at least the entire day. So now, as I play on the internet, wasting the time I should be giving to my house, the weather is getting all-out nuts. When I began this post, I was going to tell you that the sky turned dark gray and the wind is making strange whistling sounds through unidentified places in my house. Now I'm looking out the window at a white sky and tiny snowflakes blowing everywhere.

Anyway, the point of all of this rambling is to say that sometimes I really need the sunshine. But there are days when I know I have nowhere to go and I just love watching a good storm. I guess I'll go open all of my blinds and get cleaning!


BAK said...

It is a crazy weather day! And the wind last night--it detached some sort of something from our roof that banged all night long! I'm glad you get to enjoy the storm from your cozy house.

And I just can't say how happy I am you are back to posting! I've missed you (in an online kind of way, I mean!).

[alisar] said...

I love love love stormy days when I can just stay inside. I hope the day is healing for you :) Keep blogging too. I'm waiting to see pictures of your new floors!

Stephanie said...

Yesterday's storm was definitely rather blizzard-like. Stormy days aren't bad, either, when you feel all snug and cozy in your warm home. But I am SO glad the sun is shining for reals today (at least it has for the past few hours, but I guess that could change!) :-)