Sunday, September 26, 2010

Random Stuff

  • Carter (5 yo): "Mom, how did Jesus make us? How did he make our skin? Did he make bread and toast it, and then put water on it so it was all skin-y?"

  • Aidan, now 2, says the cutest things in his little sweet voice. He always says thank you, and excuse me when he burps. He loves to ask me if I'm OK, and he has taken to asking if he can hold me (meaning, of course, that he wants me to hold him). His sentence structure is amazing for a 2-year-old. If only he weren't driving me crazy all day every day!

  • I'm severely sleep deprived. If Aidan's not keeping me awake, it's Zach (now 9 months old). Seriously, several nights a week I am up pretty much all night. Last night I slept for 4 hours straight, and today I got a 2 hour nap. This kind of sleep is unheard of! I hope it can carry me through another long week...

  • My sister is going to have a baby any minute now. She's past her due date, and going crazy, I'm sure. I feel for her. And I feel for me because it will be a few months at the least before I see her sweet baby. I'm still in mourning over her moving across the country, if you can't tell.

  • I'm drowning in a sea of dirty laundry. Seriously. I can. Not. Keep. Up! I did make some great strides this weekend. There may be hope for this week if I can keep it going.

  • It will help that I'm done with this:

I've now done 4 batches of salsa, almost completely from my garden, tomatoes from my garden, and pears from my sister's tree. If I have enough, I'll do another batch of tomatoes, but that's it for this year. I'm proud of it, and we love the salsa to death, but it's just about done me in. Thank goodness for a mom who will drop everything to help out a daughter who's taken on too much!

  • I've also been doing this.....

....and I'm dying to do more! I have several projects in the works - all gifts for people who have had or are about to have (wink, wink) babies. But I also have some new projects going. If I can get my act together, I'll be opening an Etsy store soon. I'm really excited, and I'll be launching it with a giveaway on my blog. So stay tuned! (If you're a follower of my blog, you know that this does not mean to expect anything soon. But it will happen!)

  • Last, but not least, I'm grateful to have a husband who will dig in and do some dirty work when it's needed. While I napped today, he cleaned the kitchen, including the floor. If you've ever been in a room with my 2-year-old while he's eating, you know what a gross job that is! Thanks, sweetie. I think this week is off to a much better start than last......


Amy Sorensen said...

Squeeee...those blanket/wipe-wrapper combos are adorable! I have missed your updates and am happy to read you are surviving...if a wee bit overwhelmed with laundry and babies! Sending magical laundry fairies your way, and if all else fails: just buy more underwear. ;)

[alisar] said...

So good to 'hear' from you! You amaze me with your domesticity, I'm thinking you can take "IN TRaining" off your blog title. You're there girl!

Lucy said...

Oh...I wish I could come by, take your kids and demand that you sleep. I do not do well on sleep fumes.

I agree with Alisa, though. You are all goddess.

Stephanie said...

Your blankets and wipe wallets are cute beyond words!! I'll add my vote for taking the "in training" off your title, too! You don't realize how amazing you really are, Melanie. I know you don't feel like it--but most people who are as overwhelmed and as sleep-deprived as you are aren't cranking out blankets, wipe wallets, and canning up to their eyeballs. Hang in there! I sure hope your babies start sleeping through the night better. In the meantime, give yourself a break once in a while, okay?! I wish I were there, too, to help you out. :( Love you!