Monday, August 27, 2007

Happy thoughts

In my quest to become a more positive person, I had an idea. I am going to start putting a "happy thought" on my blog every day. This will help me to focus on the positive, no matter how hard the day has been. So here goes....

Happy thought for today: I love that Carter repeats everything I say to him. Example: "What's that thing, momma?" asks Carter. "It's a door stop," I reply. "It's a door stop?" he asks. "Yes, it's a door stop." This happens over and over throughout the day, and he'll repeat me no matter how big the words I use. It's very endearing.


[alisar] said...

That is so adorable. It sometimes takes work to think of a happy thought each and every day. I look forward to being boosted by your thoughts.

Elise said...

You are one of the MOST thoughtful people I know... so I can't wait to read your "happy thoughts"!!! : )