Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A-Quilting We Will Go

While I was in Spokane, my sisters Julie and Stephanie signed up for a quilt block class. As a gift, Steph paid for my enrollment and mailed the blocks to me each month. Being so far away, it was hard to catch the quilting fever, and I got very behind on my quilt blocks. But when I got here and had some time to work on them, I realized how much fun it is! And the fabrics are really beautiful, so it's fun to see the finished products. Yesterday Julie came over and we spent most of the day trying to catch up. Here are 2 of my favorite blocks. I have one more to do and I'll be caught up with the class, which is amazing.

Warning: Do not enlarge these pictures! They look much better from afar, so you can't see the mistakes!

Happy thought: I'm so grateful for sisters who live close and share my interests, and who have time to hang out with me. I also get a lot of support from my sisters when I am struggling with something in my life. (I am also grateful for my sister who does not live close anymore - thank goodness for blogging!)


Stephanie said...

Your quilt blocks look gorgeous! I am so amazed that you've been able to catch up so quickly. I'm excited that you've caught the fever and truly enjoy quilting. This quilting class has been a great thing for me. I love creating beautiful things with my own hands-- and luckily the fabrics we're working with in our class are so lovely. It makes quilting that much more fun! Keep up the good work.

[alisar] said...

A-mazing. A-flippin'-mazing. You rock! I LOVE the colors on your pink/yellow/green block.

jamesncassie said...

I'm terrible-I haven't been on your blog for forever, but I finally caught up today. Can I blame it on moving? Well, anyway, you have had quite the time with your kids. I don't think I could handle all those trips to the ER, doctor, etc. How scary! But I'm glad they are okay- for the most part. Your quilt blocks are beautiful-I'm very impressed. And impressed that you hiked Timp- James and I did that last summer and he had his appendix out the next day! I almost died it was so hard. Well, happy Labor Day!
Love, Cassie- and good thing you added the comment about your sister who lives far away! JK