Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Little Nothings

"I'm a princess!" That was Carter, walking out of Katie's bedroom after dinner with her flowered princess headband on his head and pretty silver beads around his neck. John, Tanner, and I were still at the table finishing up our dinner and we all burst out laughing. I'm glad my hubby isn't too masculine to get a laugh out of things like that. If I had been thinking I would have snapped a photo. We'll be teasing him about that forever, I have a feeling.

Obviously I don't have anything earth-shattering to blog about. The potty training is going really well. Carter had the beginnings of an accident this morning, but then lasted the rest of the day through two separate trips to the library, a trip to Walmart, and an hour in the car driving to pick up Tanner and bring him back here. He's a little stud.

I'm very grateful for friends today. I had a really meaningful conversation with a new friend in my neighborhood today and that felt great. I also had several much-needed talks with one of my sisters on the phone throughout the day. Then one of my best friends called me tonight just to check on me, and I think it was inspired, because I really needed talk to her.

On another, very random, note: Check this site out. It's super fun to read if you're nerdy like me. My friends have no need for such a thing (this means you, Elise, if you're reading this), but it's still fun to see how other people organize their lives.


Becky said...

Go, Carter, go! I think both Carter and his mom are doing great with this!

I've read Flylady in the past, and I definitely have a need for her! I wish I could/would follow her laundry suggestion of doing one complete load a day, from washer to all folded AND put away! Why can't I do that?

BAK said...

Hey Mel! I love the image of Carter dressing up like a princess. Too bad you didn't have a camera, you could have tortured him forever with it.

Have a great day! Enjoy that clean closet! ;)