Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My smart little pre-schooler

Katie wrote her name for the first time today! A few months ago, she started noticing letters everywhere, so I decided to take advantage of her interest. I bought her an alphabet chart with pictures above the letters, and we started going over the letters and their sounds every night before bed. (We have a number chart that we go over as well.) From the beginning, she was the one reminding me that we needed to "do her letters." She gets to put stickers on a chart every time, working toward a prize at the dollar store when she fills up a row. It has been fun to watch her learn and have fun doing it.

A few weeks ago, she decided that she wanted to write letters. She got out her chart and some paper, and traced the letters with her finger before writing them on paper. This was her own idea, and I was so excited to see her form the letters with her pen and then show me her work. I suggested that she write words - she knows how to spell her own name, and mom and dad - but she didn't like that idea. She's been writing random letters all over coloring books and every paper in the house ever since then. But tonight, sitting at the table waiting for dad to get home for dinner, she wrote her name. She didn't ask for any help - I didn't even know she was doing it until she was done.

Needless to say, I'm thrilled! I haven't pushed anything, and I'm not in a rush for Katelyn to start reading. But she has a mind of her own, and she's ready to use it. We're already sounding out words in the books I read to her, and we bought some flash cards with sight words that we're starting to go over at night in addition to the other stuff. It is so rewarding to see that what I'm doing is working. And of course, I think my child is the smartest 3-year-old ever!


BAK said...

That is so awesome! I love watching them WANT to learn. But they just amaze you so much sometimes, and I can't believe she did that all by herself! Of course, she has two really smart parents, so of course she is really smart. Yay, Katie!

[alisar] said...

Isn't that the best feeling??? That your little one is discovering the world! Just wait until she reads her first words. I totally cried when Caleb read the the "I" book. Each step is so precious.

jamesncassie said...

That's so cute- you'll have to save it. Katelyn's growing up so fast, and Carter too! They're the cutest! Can't wait to see them (and you and John) at Christmas.