Friday, May 16, 2008


The kids and I just finished rocking out to the New Kids on the Today Show. They performed a medley of their old songs, which I absolutely LOVED in junior high. I wasn't cool enough to ever see them in concert, but I had a couple of their tapes, and my friends kept me updated on all of the pertinent info about the guys from their teen mags.

It's funny to picture the junior high me, dancing to "Please Don't Go Girl" with a nerdy boy I didn't want to dance with. Then flash forward to the current me, dancing around the living room with my toddlers. And for the record, they still think I'm pretty cool. (Still thinking about that last post. Someday they'll see me for the nerd I am. I'll treasure these days while I have them.)


Ginger said...

I posted about them too today! Weren't they awesome back in the day? Today they were...well, a bit older. It just wasn't the same.