Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I have known since I became a parent that I am destined to embarrass my kids constantly when they reach the right age. I've often wondered if it would be the way I dress, the car I pick them up in, the music I listen to - honestly there are a lot of things about me that are potentially embarrassing. But I came to a new realization today. This embarrassment thing is a give and take. The kids do it to us as they're growing up, so they totally deserve to get it back! Here are two examples:

1. Katelyn has done this a couple of times. We'll be walking together - Katie, Carter, and I - when we see a strange man (it has been a man every time, though not necessarily a scary looking one). Katelyn will say, not quietly, "Is that scary guy going to take us?" There are several versions of this question, all equally mortifying. I'm not sure where she gets this idea, because I've only talked to her a few times about the possibility of being kidnapped, and I've focused more on the fear of that happening if she's too far from me than the scariness of the individuals who might want to snatch her.

2. Today we were at my favorite store (Walmart, in case you've forgotten), doing my favorite chore of shopping for the week's groceries. We walked by a woman who, admittedly, had a round face, although she was not overweight. Katelyn said, again not quietly, "Some people have really round faces. They're really round and fat. They're so fat they can't breathe." It went on for a couple more sentences. I'm not sure what she was getting at, with the whole can't breathe thing, but she kept saying that people are fat. I was trying to shush her without making it seem like I thought she was talking about anyone around us. I didn't want to make it any worse. When we were a reasonable distance from most other shoppers, I explained that we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by calling them fat. She really doesn't understand this. I'm not sure if she even knows what "fat" means. It's not something we really talk about.

I have a feeling that I haven't seen the end of this issue. Kids point out their observations - that's just what they do. Now it's my job to teach them some tact. I really don't think I'll feel too bad when I pull up to pick Katelyn up for a dance blasting Chicago from the minivan. She's got it comin' to her!


Ginger said...

Ha ha ha! You are so funny, Melanie. Sorry that happened to you. I am lucky that my kids are mutes in public so I haven't dealt with that.....yet.

Lucy said...

I know what you mean. No one can actually be offended by what a child says, because obviously they don't say anything with true malice or an intention to hurt, but because they are so honest and uncensored. My kids are so sensitive that I have to be really, really careful about what and when I correct. They are brutally honest with me, and all my faults. At least I know they don't lie!

Sorry about Walmart. I feel your pain.

BAK said...

I loved this post! It made me laugh. Poor you, but it will all come back on our kids one day, and then we can have our laughs. I just love the thought of you blasting Chicago. Be sure to invite me to ride along, ok?

Katelyn is cute.

[alisar] said...

You are so funny. I have loved getting caught up with you lately with your prolific posting. Keep it up! This post makes me miss your darling Katie. She is so cute and sincere - how could anyone ever be offended by her?
My kids have made their share of mortifying public statements too, like pointing at the obese man at McDonalds and asking, "How many hamburgers do you think HE ordered????"
It is important to document every instance of embarrassment they put us through so that when we're still wearing capris when they've been out of style for 15 years, perhaps our kids will cut us some slack.

Becky said...

LOL! No really, I actually laughed out loud! That's so funny!!! James likes to point out bald men, but usually they're too far away to hear.

Stephanie said...

You've got a good point, Mel: what goes around comes around! Right now it's still funny when Sophie says things like that, but that's because no one has really heard her yet. One of these days I'm sure she'll REALLY embarass me... :-) It's still funny when it's someone else's kid, though!