Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sweet Little Nothings

Sometimes I get extremely overwhelmed by housework. We had a really fun weekend, but we managed to trash the house in the process. On Sunday night, I looked around me and felt like running for the hills or burying my head in the sand. It was bedtime, and the kids were getting in the tub. Suddenly the thought came to me that I LOVE getting my kids out of the bath, slathering them with lotion so they smell like heaven, drying Katelyn's hair, trimming their nails…it's a bonding experience that I cherish, and I love the clean little angels that emerge. So I decided to forget about the mountain of dishes and my filthy floor and just enjoy the time with my kids before I put them to bed.

Walking to my ward book club tonight with a neighbor, she reminded me how fast the time goes by, and to enjoy this time while my kids are little. I know this, and I'm reminded of it quite often, but I need those reminders. And it's so true. I look at my kids and can't imagine how they've gotten so big and grown-up already. I DO want to make the most of this time.

Of course, as I've been writing this, my kids have turned into naughty little monsters in the tub. So I'm going to go yank them out by their hair pull them out gently and try to recreate the peaceful feeling I had on Sunday night.


BAK said...

Your kids are so cute. I hope that you found that peace again!

And now I feel guilty; we probably left your house in a mess, again. We are terrible friends!

Anonymous said...

I just wrote a blog post similar to yours! -about cherishing the time while Evan's little. So I'm glad you feel the same way. I just gave baby Evan a bath and I love putting lotion on him and making him smell good too! And putting on a cute outfit- which he quickly spits up on and ruins!

Ginger said...

I have to remind myself of that too every time I look at my house. The little handprints all over are annoying, but I am sure glad I have little guys around my house who put them there. :)

luvmy5boyscora said...

Very Sweet.